

De La Salle2019139

Match Report

Coldest day of the year and we welcome Willy CY’s to Waverley park, a real danger game . The wind was going to have a real say in the game . We lose the toss and kick against the wind in the First quarter.

We play a great quarter kicking 6.3.39 to 1.1.7 We set the game up early as CY’s throw numbers behind the ball . Congestion and weather hampers our drive but we are in control at half time . Our backs are well on top and generating a lot of run . All fwds causing havoc .

We go in 10 goals up at half time In the third quarter we kick another five goals against the breeze and Willy only kick another 1 goal . We are well on top and looking for a big win .

No passengers today , everyone working for each other . Our mids have dominated the game with Harry Hawker playing his best game for the year . We had Liakakos kick 6,Wiseman 5, first gamer Brett Boscacci kick 5 before being rested after a slight shoulder complaint.

Best: Harry Hawker, Tom Lyngberg, Cam Roberts, Lucas Liakakos, Jonty Wiseman, Harry Gustin.
Goals: Liakakos 6, Brett Bosacci 5, Wiseman 4, Lyngberg, Roberts, Liam Eldering, Ben Ahearn, Sam McNidder


Date Time Division Season Round
July 20, 2024 11:40 am Reserves 2024 12


Waverley Oval
Waverley Oval, 425 Waverley Rd, Malvern East VIC 3145