

De La Salle9458

Match Report

Credit where credits due – we got blown away today by a stronger team who made the most of their opportunities.
With mild conditions and a gusty north wester, DeLa trekked out to Caulfield Grammar (CG). With no changes from last weeks list, our boys went into the game under no illusions. Today’s challenge was to be prepared for a variety of circumstances, as the opposition had previously posted mixed results, and had a big mix of players come through their list.
CG started very well to say the least. They were kicking with the wind and caught our mids off guard by dominating the centre clearances. They effectively had 3 times the amount of forward 50 entries than we did, and as a result finished the quarter with 6 goals on the board to our nil. Generally, we looked far from clean around contests, and were unable to absorb pressure from a relentless opposition. Even when we did manage a few F50 entries, our forwards were unable to create opportunities and were unable to convert.
Second quarter was a chance to get back into the game, as DeLa now had the wind at their backs. Our mids were intent on winning some ball, and players like JT, Mack and Nids started to win some crucial clearances. Up forward was a chance to test the home sides backline. Wain and Lyngberg started to look dangerous, mainly due to our quick forward entries and dry conditions. Four goals for the quarter, not too bad considering. Worth noting that our backline did a super job in defending, as CG were still able to run and carry into their forward line against the wind.
Third quarter was going to be all about pressure and defensive run. We were intent on not making the same mistake as we did in the 1st quarter. Our backs looked a bit better with their match ups, and we sent Wain as a spare across the backline who made an immediate impact which appeared to unsettle the home side. Our mids lifted their work rate and got on top with stoppage clearances. Also, our ball control and movement was better when we had possession. A couple of kicks over their defenders resulted in shots on goal from Murray and Pickles, which were much needed goals.
Heading into the last was going to be very challenging to pinch a win. DeLa had opportunities and converted well with Lyngberg and McNidder adding a few goals to the teams tally. Lots of effort and resilience put on display from all DeLa players, but unfortunately the home side were too good on the day and took the points.
Goals: L. Lyngberg 4, M. Wain 1, M. Higginbotham 1, A. Murray 1, J.Pickles 1, S. McNidder 1
Best:M. Wain, M. Higginbotham, L. Lyngberg, J. Torey- Toth, A. Liakakos, T. Martin


Date Time Division Season Round
July 29, 2023 2:00 pm Under 19 Blue 2023 13


Caulfield Grammar
Caulfield Grammar School, 217 Glen Eira Road, St Kilda East