Congratulations to our 2023 Awards winners.
Our Best & Fairest Awards were held at River’s Edge in Southbank last Thursday evening.
Congratulations to the winner of our Barry Lyons Best & Fairest, Christian Algeri.
The Bernie Sheehy Runner Up Best & Fairest was awarded to Jake Williams.
Our players, coaches and staff came in their most glamourous dresses and suits to celebrate a great season at De La, that saw great success and growth across the teams.
See below for all the photos from the night!

Award Winners:
Barry Lyons Best & Fairest, Christian Algeri.
Bernie Sheehy Runner Up Best & Fairest, Jake Williams.
Ralph McHenry Most Consistent – Tom Filipovic
Seniors Best in Finals – Lachie Gawel
Tony O’Callaghan Best First Year Player – Luke Healy
Andrew Mackintosh Most Courageous – Hamish Curtis
Best Team Player — Charlie Aitken.

Colin Glover Best and Fairest winner, Jack Hanley
Reserves Runner Up Best and Fairest award, Nick Catrice
Reserves Most Consistent – Ben Melissinos
Best First Year Player – Jasper White
Most Courageous – Lachie Roberton
Best Team Player – Michael Canny

Senior Women
Jennie Loughnan Best & Fairest Award Senior Women’s, Poppy Palma.
Guns Best & Fairest Runner Up, Grace Martin.
Guns Most Consistent – Maddison Bamert
Best First Year Player – Poppy Palma
Most Courageous – Stevie Hatzis
Best Team Player – Michelle Bourke

Best & Fairest Winner Tom Moloney.
Best & Fairest Runner Up, Dan Close.
Most Consistent – Will Fenton
Best in Finals – Ben Corin
Paul Carlon Best Club Person – David Harrison.
U19 Blues
U19s Blues Jack Sullivan Award, Seb Filipovic.
Blues Best & Fairest Runner Up Jamie Torey-Toth and Mitchell Wain.
Blues Best First Year Player – Josh Stewart
Most Courageous – Sam Cross
Best Team Player – Mitchell Wain

U19 Golds
Robbie Smith Best and Fairest winners, Marvin Elliott, Joel Tyquin and Patrick Baker.
Best First Year Player – Xavier Burns
Most Courageous – Ben McCleskey
Best Team Player – Tom Blackie
President’s Awards
Football Director Bill Tyson – for all of his efforts around the club and on games days, but also for the extensive amount of work he puts in behind the scenes.
Liam O’Donnell – for his countless hours behind the bar at all of De La’s Game Days, Events, Home Game Lunches and training nights.

Best Club Person
Andrew Needham was awarded for his efforts volunteering at events, Thursday Night Dinner service and his extensive work on rebuilding and maintaining the Club website.
Katie Proy was awarded for her countless volunteer hours running the Canteen and helping at Thursday night dinners, as well as all her behind the scenes efforts around the clubrooms.
Maddie Proy was awarded for her volunteering at the Club canteen this season, a new role she took on and excelled at very quickly.
Out of The Blue Champion Award
Congratulations to the winner of the Out of The Blue Champion Award for 2023, Jack Hanley.
Jack has gone above and beyond in raising awareness and funds for our Mental Health and Wellbeing program.
See all the photos from our Awards night.