Confidence is a skill we can learn.
Well according to High Performance Mindfulness Coach Emma Murray, (who is responsible for getting Richmond AFL Club back to their winning form), it definitely is.
Some of our Gun’s players, volunteers and staff were lucky enough to do a session with Emma at an International Women’s Day Lunch hosted last week by Change Our Game.
We’ve all heard ‘you should be more confident,
Maybe you’ve said to yourself, ‘I’m just not confident, I wasn’t born with confidence’…
We often think of confidence as something external to us – something out there, that we can get by doing more and trying harder.
But Emma believes…
Confidence is NOT something you have, or you don’t.
It’s a skill, like any other, that can be learnt, practised and developed.
For example – if you were new to a footy team or workplace – didn’t really know anyone and felt nervous going to practice or into the office etc.
Focus on small wins, focus on something small you can do, that you know you are good at. Maybe just say hi and smile at every person you come across. You know you can do that. Next time it might be to use their name as well.
You’re not faking it ‘til you make it, you’re building strength in your confidence mindset through practise, repetition and small wins.
And remember doubting yourself is human – we ALL do it! But confidence is something we can develop within ourselves.
So, practise building that confidence muscle.
At De La, we are just putting the final touches on our program for this season’s Out of The Blue sessions. So you may see some more mental health and well-being tips coming your way.
To learn more about Emma, check out her website here.
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To learn more about Change our Game, check out their website here: