

De La Salle141094

Match Report

We head to Beaumaris for our round 11 match . A danger game for us if we’re not switched on. We are greeted with rainy cold day .
Beautiful were down on numbers so we plan to run them ragged.
Conditions made it difficult for both sides but we played a good sensible first quarter. We got it in quick and deep to our fwds . Our small fwds were causing all sorts of grief.

Scores at half time indicated we were in control
De La 8.2.50
Beauy 2.0.12

Third quarter they flooded back and made it difficult to score. We kick 1.4 for the quarter and at three quarter time we lead
De La 9.6.60
Beauy. 2.2.14

We ask the players at the last break to finish off the game. We kick 5 last quarter goals and keep them to one goal in the quarter. We had a couple of dangerous fwds in Kane Rossiter and Lucas Liakakos who each kick 4 along with Jonty Wiseman kicks 2

We had an even performance from all our players, led by Sefton McGraw , Hamish Curtis, Cooper Morris, Sam Pennell and Tom Fogarty.
We are now second on the ladder and look fwd to a two week break and can’t wait for the next month of footy.

Some big games ahead of us.


Date Time Division Season Round
June 29, 2024 11:40 am Reserves 2024 11


Banksia Reserve
Banksia Reserve, Beaumaris