Our Out of The Blue Champion for 2023 is undertaking another challenge to reduce the stigma around mental health and wellbeing, as well as raising awareness and funds for Out of The Blue.
Jack Hanley took up running during a time when he was struggling with his mental health and has fallen in love with the positive effects running has on his wellbeing.
‘Running is easy, and everyone can do it. You just put on your shoes and walk out the door’.
His aim is to create change, so people don’t struggle alone but feel confident to speak up and ask for help.
His latest challenge will see him run 50 km a day for 50 days, from October 15th to December 3rd.
Jack started last weekend with the Melbourne Marathon and his weekly running schedule is:
Mondays – Albert Park Lake
Tuesday – Husla Gym
Wednesday – Caulfield Park
Thursdays – The Tan
Fridays – Duncan McKinnon
Saturdays and Sunday – TBC – stay tuned to socials for latest updates.
Anyone is welcome to join in for part or all of the run.
You can follow Jack and De La on social media to stay updated.
Donations can be made via Jack’s ASF Page
All proceeds are going to De La’s Mental Health and Wellbeing program, Out of the Blue.