We are delighted to announce some key partners of our Out of the Blue mental health and wellbeing program. In line with our strategic pillars of Safety, Inclusion & Wellbeing, Visual & Behavioural Branding, Community, and Sustainable Growth, we have developed a program which educates and changes the stigma around many social issues and mental health.
As part of this, we run workshops for our playing and coaching group, as well as our commercial and supply partners on several associated topics in this space. And we are thankful to have the following professionals run the following workshops for us:
Outside the Locker Room (OTLR)
Outside the Locker Room provides mental health education and welfare support to sporting clubs, schools and workplaces across Australia. OTLR will operate workshops on Gambling – the warning signs and harmful effects and financial stress caused by its addiction.
Mental health programs & support for sporting clubs, schools & workplaces (otlr.org.au)
Play Like A Girl
Play Like a Girl Australia has developed the first leadership program in Australia to guide the personal and professional journey of girls through a sports lens. Holly Bailey and the team at Play Like A Girl will operate workshops focussed on Respect and Leadership as well as having some of our Guns participate in their Leadership Courses.
Monash University
Monash University’s Trauma Group and Department of Neuroscience are undertaking Fluid Biomarker Research on the effects and body responses to concussion, many of our players are forming part of this study by wearing impact-detecting mouthguards and having their blood markers tested after suffering a concussion injury. As part of this Monash University will also be conducting workshops around the education and responsibility we have around concussion and brain injury.