Hello everyone, my name is David Murray and I work full time as a Technician in the De La Salle VCAL program and have been at De La Salle for the last 12 years. |

As part of our Year 11 and 12 VCAL Social Justice Project, I suggested that we run a fundraising event that would raise funds for Breast Cancer Australia. When I pitched the idea to the students, I related my own story of how my wife was diagnosed 7 years ago with stage 3 breast cancer. I talked with them about her journey from being diagnosed, her treatment and how now, 7 years down the track, she is in remission and doing great. They were instantly on board and have since been fully invested in making this day a great event. |
Since we started this, some of the students have also talked with me about their family members who have been diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, as a lot of us know, it’s something that has touched so many in the community. |
Along with the help of Jodie McLaren and Cate McIlroy, who teach our VCAL students, the students are organising a fun day of raffles and a sausage sizzle that will culminate with me getting my beard and moustache, shaved off in front of the school. This is all happening at lunchtime on Thursday 19 May at the Kinnoull Oval. |
We have set up a fundraising page with a donation link and have started advertising the event. VCAL students will be running the day, cooking the BBQ and selling the drinks, donuts and sausages. All monies made on the day from the BBQ and raffles will be donated to Breast Cancer Australia Network. |
Our VCAL students have shown real passion and commitment to this event, its heart warming and wonderful to be part of. |
David Murray VCAL Assistant |