

Old Scotch121082
De La Salle9963

Match Report

Wet and slippery conditions today greeted the U19 Blues at Camberwell Sports Ground. Looking to bounce back from last week, DeLa were aware that today was going to be about territory and winning contests. With a full squad, our boys started well and appeared to be handling the conditions well, particularly debutant Jack Pickles who started gathering possessions in our forward half. Russell was also looking dangerous up forward and kicked a couple of early goals. The first quarter was a typical arm wrestle with lots of scrappy footy, however the opposition found themselves one goal up at the first break.

Second quarter was almost a carbon copy. Our mids were competing well around stoppages, and were able to surge the ball forward, which resulted in a three goal quarter from three different goal kickers. Our backs have had a brilliant start to the season and today was no exception. They were able to match up well and were causing some headaches for the opposition. If it wasn’t from a few bits of play that didn’t go in our favour, we could have been closer at the half time break. Only two goals the difference, so still anyones game. One concerning trend however was that Old Scotch were spreading better at turn overs.

Our on ballers in JT and Seb were making impacts around the ground, however Old Scotch lifted a notch and started to control the ball better than we did. Their footskills and ability to hit targets were starting to hurt us, and as a result, the home team were able to add three goals to our one.

The game was still up for grabs during the fourth quarter, and very pleasing to see that our boys fought back with a couple of quick goals to Russell. Unfortunately we ran out of time and had to cop a loss. The challenge now for the group is to re-group and learn from what’s been working well, and what areas need improvement. The potential is there – a lot of these boys haven’t played much footy together, and they are learning fairly quickly about each other strengths. Nex week brings another challenge and another opportunity to improve.



Date Time Division Season Round
May 6, 2023 11:20 am Under 19 Blue 2023 4


Camberwell Sport
420 Camberwell Road, Camberwell